Seven Wonders of the World Puzzle Set 🤩


From the Roman Colosseum to the Andean Machu Picchu, the Seven Wonders of our wonderful world have inspired these seven puzzles, as well as the plot of countless literary and film works.

Will you have the "wonderful" satisfaction of solving them all?

How does it work?

Within 48h of redeeming the prize LOOKUP will share the order to Puzzlemania, the product's Italian distributor, who will arrange shipping to the address indicated.

Puzzlemania may:

- Accept the order because it is in stock and ship the product as quickly as possible;

- If the product is soldout, wait for the product to be restocked or accept a proposal for an alternative product;

- If the product is soldout, is no longer being restocked, and you do not accept the proposed alternatives, request a refund of UPs and reinstate premium redemption.

LOOKUP purchases the product on your behalf and the supplying and distributing company is relieved of any liability.